Maple Rosemary-skewered Lamb

Servings: 12



4-1/2 pounds American Lamb sirloins, cut into 2-inch chunks

1/2 cup olive oil

1/4 cup maple syrup

1/4 cup fresh rosemary, finely chopped

2 tablespoons coriander seeds, crushed

2 tablespoons fennel seeds, toasted, crushed

2 tablespoons mustard seeds, crushed

2 teaspoons  black pepper, cracked

1-1/2 teaspoons kosher salt

24 fresh rosemary skewers/stems or

6-inch bamboo skewers soaked in water

2 cups greek yogurt, plain

1-1/2 cups cucumber, peeled, seeded, diced

1 cup plum tomatoes, diced

1/2 cup scallions, minced

2 tablespoons fresh mint, minced

2 tablespoons maple syrup

12 pitas, 6-inch, grilled

1/4 cup fresh parsley, minced



In a bowl, combine oil, syrup, rosemary, coriander, fennel, mustard, pepper and salt.  Place lamb sirloin in a half-size hotel pan; pat marinade onto lamb. Toss well to coat evenly.  Cover; refrigerate at least 4 hours or overnight, turning meat often, until ready to cook.

Thread 3 or 4 marinated lamb chunks (3 ounces) onto each rosemary herb or bamboo skewer, securing well.  Place on sheet pan; cover until ready to prepare.

In a bowl, mix yogurt, cucumber, tomatoes, scallions, mint and syrup.  Cover; refrigerate at least 2 hours before serving.

To serve:  For each serving, grill 2 skewers of lamb, about 2 to 3 minutes per side, to desired doneness; place on grilled pita bread.  Spoon 1/3 cup yogurt sauce over top; serve with a sprinkling of parsley.

Recipe and image provided by the American Lamb Board 

Lamb Skewers with Greek Salad

Strips of American Lamb Sirloin are marinated in a Greek-inspired marinade before grilling on skewers and serving atop a Greek salad composed of romaine lettuce, red peppers, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, red onion, olives and Feta.

Servings: 12

Lamb Skewers w Greek Salad.jpg


3 pounds American Lamb sirloin, cut into 2-ounce strips

3 cups greek dressing/marinade (recipe follows)

1-1/2 gallons Romaine lettuce, shredded

3 cups red bell pepper, diced

3 cups cucumber, diced

3 cups cherry tomatoes, halved

3/4 cup red onion, diced, soaked in ice water

3/4 cup kalamata olives, pitted, chopped

1-1/2 cups feta cheese, crumbled

Greek Dressing/Marinade (Makes 3 cups):

3 tablespoons minced garlic

1 tablespoon crushed fennel seeds

2/3 cup red wine vinegar

2 teaspoons dry leaf oregano

2 cups olive oil

salt and ground black pepper to taste

1/2 cup minced fresh parsley



Place lamb in a large stainless bowl or hotel pan.  Pour 1-1/2 cups Greek Dressing/ Marinade over lamb; toss well to coat.  Reserve remaining Greek Dressing/Marinade for salad. Let lamb strips marinate for 45 minutes or overnight.

Skewer lamb on bamboo skewers (1 strip per skewer/2 skewers per salad); grill 2 minutes per side or until medium rare.  Keep warm.

In a bowl, combine romaine, pepper, cucumber, tomatoes, onion, olives and feta cheese.  Add approximately 1-1/2 cups Greek Dressing/Marinade; toss to coat. Place 3 cups salad in each bowl; top each salad with 2 warm lamb skewers and serve immediately, drizzling each salad serving with extra dressing if desired.

For Individual Salads: Toss 2 cups greens with 2 tablespoons Greek Dressing/Marinade, 1/4 cup peppers, cucumbers, tomatoes, 1 tablespoon drained onions and olives, and 2 tablespoons feta cheese.  Top with 2 skewers of lamb.

For the Greek Dressing/Marinade:  In a deep bowl, combine garlic, fennel, vinegar, oregano, oil, salt, pepper and parsley.  Process with an immersion blender; mix to blend well.

Recipe and image provided by the American Lamb Board

Udon-Lamb Noodle Bowl

Recipe provided by | Chef Jonathan Poyourow



4-1/2 pounds American Lamb sirloin, sliced thin

1/4 canola oil

3 gallons lamb or beef stock

1 cup + 2 tablespoons lite soy sauce

3 ounces oyster sauce

6 tablespoons brown sugar

6 tablespoons ginger, minced

24 garlic cloves, minced

6 star anise

1-1/2 white miso paste

1 pound Shitake mushrooms, sliced

3 cups baby bok choy

3 cups snow peas

6 eggs

1 pound, 6 ounces Udon wheat noodles

Garnishes: sesame seeds,

coriander, togarishi powder,

Sriracha sauce as desired


In a medium rondeau or stock pot, add oil and lamb strips; quickly sear on both sides. Remove lamb and set aside; add 1-1/2 gallons stock, 1 cup soy sauce, oyster sauce, brown sugar, garlic, ginger and star anise. Bring to a boil, regularly skimming impurities off the top. Simmer, uncovered, for 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 hours until liquid is reduced and thickened.

In a large saucepan, add remaining stock, 1 cup water, miso paste, remaining 2 tablespoons soy sauce, mushrooms, bok choy and snow peas. Heat over medium-low, covered, for 3 to 5 minutes or until bok choy and snow peas are tender.

Meanwhile, cook eggs for 6 minutes in a medium saucepan of simmering water. Remove with a slotted spoon; place in a bowl of cold water. Once cool enough to handle, peel eggs and cut into halves.

In the same pan of boiling water, cook noodles according to packet instructions; drain.

Divide the noodles into individual serving bowls; add lamb and eggs. Ladle the miso broth and vegetables over the top. If desired, sprinkle with sesame seeds, coriander, togarashi powder and/or Sriracha sauce.

Chef Tips:

If desired, use ground American Lamb instead of sirloin in this dish.

Traditional ramen noodles or soba noodles may be used in place of Udon wheat noodles.

Customize your ramen bowl to taste. If you prefer a darker, richer broth, use Aka or Red Miso paste rather than White Miso paste. Add items like lemongrass and kefir lime leaves to the broth for more citrus flavor.